You are customizing ACUPRESSUREWALA
      The Customizer allows you to preview changes to your site before publishing them. You can navigate to different pages on your site within the preview. Edit shortcuts are shown for some editable elements.

        Customizing ▸ Widgets Add a Widget

        The search results will be updated as you type.

        Edit Add Active Product Filters

        Active Product Filters

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display a list of active product filters.
        Edit Add Archives


        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        A monthly archive of your site’s Posts.
        Edit Add Audio


        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Displays an audio player.
        Edit Add BE: Author Widget

        BE: Author Widget

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Displays authors details in post.
        Edit Add Calendar


        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        A calendar of your site’s posts.
        Edit Add Cart


        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display the customer shopping cart.
        Edit Add Categories


        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        A list or dropdown of categories.
        Edit Add Custom HTML

        Custom HTML

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Arbitrary HTML code.
        Edit Add EP: Author Widget

        EP: Author Widget

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Displays authors details in post.
        Edit Add EP: Category Widget

        EP: Category Widget

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Displays categories and posts.
        Edit Add EP: Product Category Widget

        EP: Product Category Widget

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Displays categories and posts.
        Edit Add EP: Product Lists Widget

        EP: Product Lists Widget

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Displays post form selected category specific for popular post in sidebars.
        Edit Add EP: Social Widget

        EP: Social Widget

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Displays Social share.
        Edit Add EP: Tab Posts Widget

        EP: Tab Posts Widget




        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Tabbed widget.
        Edit Add EP: Tab Products Widget

        EP: Tab Products Widget

        New Arrivals

        Best Sellers

        Best Deals

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Product Tabbed widget.
        Edit Add Filter Products by Attribute

        Filter Products by Attribute

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display a list of attributes to filter products in your store.
        Edit Add Filter Products by Price

        Filter Products by Price

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display a slider to filter products in your store by price.
        Edit Add Filter Products by Rating

        Filter Products by Rating

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display a list of star ratings to filter products in your store.
        Edit Add HK > Announce

        HK > Announce

        Select Icon
        Remove Icon

        Font Icons


        (in pixels) Leave empty for default
        Leave empty to use font color.
        (in pixels) Leave empty for default
        Leave empty for no background.
        Leave empty to use default color.

        Widget Options

        Give this widget a custom css classname
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display Announcement Message
        Edit Add HK > Call To Action

        HK > Call To Action

        Leave empty if you dont want to show link
        Top and bottom borders.

        Widget Options

        Give this widget a custom css classname
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display Call To Action block
        Edit Add HK > Content Blocks

        HK > Content Blocks

        Top and bottom borders.

        Content Boxes


        Widget Options

        Give this widget a custom css classname
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display Styled Content Blocks
        Edit Add HK > Content Grid

        HK > Content Grid

        First grid takes up 2 columns by default.
        (You can change it to standard 1x1 size in 'First Grid' options below)
        Default: 215 (in pixels)

        Grid Boxes


        First Grid

        By default, first grid is double in size and takes up space of 2 Columns x 2 Rows
        Selecting more than 1 box will convert the first grid into a SLIDER

        Widget Options

        Give this widget a custom css classname
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display Content in a Grid
        Edit Add HK > Cover Image

        HK > Cover Image

        Leave empty to display full sized non-cropped image


        Add Image
        Remove Image
        Use <big> tag for big font size. Example:
        <big>Huge Words</big>
        (percentage distance from the edge)

        Multiple Cover Images Slider

        Adding more than 1 cover image to turn it into a slider

        Widget Options

        Give this widget a custom css classname
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display Image with Text overlay
        Edit Add HK > Icon

        HK > Icon

        Select Icon
        Remove Icon

        Font Icons


        (in pixels) Leave empty for default
        Leave empty to use default color.
        Leave empty for no background.

        Widget Options

        Give this widget a custom css classname
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display Icon
        Edit Add HK > Posts Blocks

        HK > Posts Blocks

        Links to your Blog page. If you have a Category selected below, then this will link to the Category Archive page.
        Only include posts from these categories. Leave empty to display posts from all categories.
        Exclude posts from these categories.
        Default: 4
        Number of posts to skip from the start. Leave empty to start from the latest post.
        Select 'Display Excerpt' in option above. Leave empty for default excerpt length.
        Top and bottom borders.

        Widget Options

        Give this widget a custom css classname
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display Styled Content Blocks (Posts)
        Edit Add HK > Posts Grid

        HK > Posts Grid

        Only posts which have a 'Featured Image' will be displayed
        First grid takes up 2 columns by default.
        (You can change it to standard 1x1 size in 'First Grid' options below)
        First grid takes up 2 rows by default.
        (You can change it to standard 1x1 size in 'First Grid' options below)
        Only include posts from these categories. Leave empty to display posts from ALL categories.
        Exclude posts from these categories.
        Links to your Blog page. If you have a Category selected below, then this will link to the Category Archive page.
        Default: 215 (in pixels)

        Individual Posts:

        First Grid

        By default, first grid is double in size and takes up space of 2 Columns x 2 Rows
        Selecting more than 1 post will convert the first grid into a SLIDER

        Widget Options

        Give this widget a custom css classname
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display Posts in a Grid
        Edit Add HK > Posts List

        HK > Posts List

        Links to your Blog page. If you have a Category selected below, then this will link to the Category Archive page.
        Only include posts from these categories. Leave empty to display posts from all categories.
        Exclude posts from these categories.
        Default: 3
        Default: 3
        (if selected 2 or 3 columns above)
        Default: 3
        (if selected 3 columns above)
        Number of posts to skip from the start. Leave empty to start from the latest post.

        Individual Posts:

        Select 'Display Excerpt' in option above. Leave empty for default excerpt length.

        First Post

        Select 'Display Excerpt' in option above. Leave empty for default excerpt length.

        Widget Options

        Give this widget a custom css classname
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display Posts List (all or specific category)
        Edit Add HK > Posts Slider

        HK > Posts Slider

        Only posts which have a 'Featured Image' will be displayed
        Only 4 posts allowed. Please use a wpHoot theme to add more posts.
        Number of posts to skip from the start. Leave empty to start from the latest post.
        Links to your Blog page. If you have a Category selected below, then this will link to the Category Archive page.
        Only include posts from these categories. Leave empty to display posts from all categories.
        Exclude posts from these categories.
        Select 'Display Excerpt' in option above. Leave empty for default excerpt length.
        Seconds to pause on each slide.
        (in pixels) By default the slider takes up the entire width available and the height is adjusted accordingly.

        Widget Options

        Give this widget a custom css classname
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display Posts Slider
        Edit Add HK > Slider Images

        HK > Slider Images

        Seconds to pause on each slide.
        (in pixels) By default the slider takes up the entire width available and the height is adjusted accordingly.



        Widget Options

        Give this widget a custom css classname
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display Image Slider
        Edit Add HK > Social Icons

        HK > Social Icons

        Social Icons


        Widget Options

        Give this widget a custom css classname
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display Social Icons
        Edit Add HK > Ticker

        HK > Ticker

        Select Icon
        Remove Icon

        Font Icons


        Leave empty to use font color.
        To write multiple messages, start a new message in a new line.
        (in pixels) Leave empty for full width
        Leave empty for no background.
        Leave empty to use default font colors.

        Widget Options

        Give this widget a custom css classname
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.
        (in pixels) Leave empty to load default margins.
        Hint: You can use negative numbers also.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Animated horizontal scrolling ticker messages
        Edit Add Image


        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Displays an image.
        Edit Add Mailchimp Sign-Up Form

        Mailchimp Sign-Up Form

        You can edit your sign-up form in the Mailchimp for WordPress form settings.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Displays your Mailchimp for WordPress sign-up form
        Edit Add Meta


        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Login, RSS, & links.
        Edit Add Pages


        Page IDs, separated by commas.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        A list of your site’s Pages.
        Edit Add Product Categories

        Product Categories

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        A list or dropdown of product categories.
        Edit Add Products


        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        A list of your store's products.
        Edit Add Products by Rating

        Products by Rating

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        A list of your store's top-rated products.
        Edit Add Product Search

        Product Search

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        A search form for your store.
        Edit Add Product Tag Cloud

        Product Tag Cloud

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        A cloud of your most used product tags.
        Edit Add Recent Comments

        Recent Comments

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Your site’s most recent comments.
        Edit Add Recent Posts

        Recent Posts

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Your site’s most recent Posts.
        Edit Add Recent Product Reviews

        Recent Product Reviews

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display a list of recent reviews from your store.
        Edit Add Recent Viewed Products

        Recent Viewed Products

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Display a list of a customer's recently viewed products.
        Edit Add RSS


        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Entries from any RSS or Atom feed.
        Edit Add Search


        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        A search form for your site.
        Edit Add Slider Revolution

        Slider Revolution

        Choose Slider:

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Displays a Slider Revolution Module on the page
        Edit Add Tag Cloud

        Tag Cloud

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        A cloud of your most used tags.
        Edit Add Text


        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Arbitrary text.
        Edit Add Video


        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        Displays a video from the media library or from YouTube, Vimeo, or another provider.
        Edit Add WooCommerce Currency Converter

        WooCommerce Currency Converter

        Examples: EUR,GBP,UAH

        Count of digits after point

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        WooCommerce Currency Converter by realmag777
        Edit Add WooCommerce Currency Rates

        WooCommerce Currency Rates

        Examples: EUR,GBP,UAH

        Count of digits after point

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        WooCommerce Currency Rates by realmag777
        Edit Add WooCommerce Currency Switcher

        WooCommerce Currency Switcher

        Examples: 300px,100%,auto

        For ddslick script only!

        Which text display in the drop-down options - currency code OR description text. Looks good for all dropdowns except ddslick.

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        WooCommerce Currency Switcher by realmag777
        Edit Add YITH WooCommerce Compare Widget

        YITH WooCommerce Compare Widget

        Widget ID: Please save the widget first!


        The widget shows the list of products added in the comparison table.

        No widgets found.

        Customizing ▸ Menus Add Menu Items